Your septic tank and system are an important system for your home and property and should be maintained through the year and over the years you use it. Regular septic tank pumping is just a start to your septic system's health, but you will also need to keep in mind any winter weather and extremely cold temperatures that can cause problems to your septic tank and its system. Here are some recommendations for you to utilize in your home to keep your septic system functioning properly this winter.

Protect the Drainfield Site

During the winter months, the soil above and around your drainfield lines can be at risk of freezing due to several conditions in your property. As the water flows into the drainfield lines, it normally seeps out and into the surrounding soil, but if the temperature outside or within the soil is too low it can cause the water to freeze, blocking and damaging your drainage system. 

When you already have a thick layer of vegetation on your drainfield, this should provide insulation to the soil below. But if your septic system is new and nothing is growing upon the soil yet, which can happen in new systems, you may need to add in a layer of insulation to hold in heat into the soil. A layer of mulch that is several inches thick will help hold in soil heat. Or you can add in straw or similar covering for the same insulation protection.

Also, be careful not to drive any vehicles over your drainfield site once it has been installed. Extra compaction of the soil will allow the soil to freeze and cause damage to your drainfield lines.

Manage the Septic Tank

The septic tank can be exposed to extreme freezing temperatures that can cause the waste inside to freeze into chunks. Inspect the tank openings for any cracks or gaps that allow cold air to enter the tank. Your tank hatches should be closed completely all the time, especially in the winter.

Contact a septic professional, like LP Murray, if your tank hatches are not closing properly. They can repair the problem and also add insulation to the pipes and openings that are near the surface of the soil. The upper areas of the tank within the soil's depth are at risk of freezing temperatures and should be monitored for their freeze risk. Your septic professional can evaluate your septic system and provide you recommendations for its winter care.
